Nose and Mouth

Nose to Mouth (Nasolabial) Lines

What is perhaps the most prominent sign of ageing are your nasolabial folds – these are the folds that run from the side of your nose to the corners of your mouth.

Nose to mouth lines

Treated with JuvedermULTA



They usually appear when people are in their 30s or early 40s, and over the years as the midfacial skin begins to fold over the lower portion of your face, these expression lines deepen to become permanent fixtures on your face, revealing your true age!



Nose to mouth lines

Treated with Restylane Perlane

As they are one of the first visible signs of ageing, the nasolabial folds are one of the first areas people seek facial rejuvenation procedures for, and luckily for us there is a quick and easy fix to virtually eliminate them. Dermal fillers are injected directly into the creases with fine needles to instantly lift the skin out of the creases and re-create a firm more youthful foundation under the skin.

Nose to mouth lines

Treated with Restylane Perlane



Other treatment options:

Subdermal Fillers (Sub Q or Voluma) – can be used to correct volume loss in the upper cheek area and create a lifting effect of the lower face resulting in improved facial contours, fuller cheeks and a softening of the nose to mouth lines for a more youthful look.