Obagi Professional C-Serum
Protect your skin from further damage
Your skin deserves all the protection you can give it from daily exposure to the sun's damaging rays and environmental conditions that cause premature ageing. Visible signs of ageing, those fine lines and wrinkles, are caused by tiny molecules known as 'free radicals.'
Free radicals dramatically multiply with exposure to sun, air pollution and other environmental assaults, ravaging skin cells and breaking down collagen that gives skin its youthful resilience.
Obagi Professional-C Serums use advanced scientific formulas developed and tested by leading Vitamin C experts. Obagi Professional-C Serums offer maximum daily antioxidant protection and greater penetration than other Vitamin C products. The greater the penetration, the greater the antioxidant benefit to your skin. Vitamin C neutralises free radicals to prevent skin cell damage.
Professional strength Vitamin C can give your skin the superior protection it needs to: