Silhouette Soft®

The only product on the medical cosmetic market enabling a lift effect & a regenerative effect

Silhouette Soft®

SILHOUETTE SOFT® is a technological innovation offering men and women what no treatment has ever provided in such a simple way: a redefined face, restored volume and reduced wrinkles by means of a 30-minute treatment at their local doctor’s clinic, for a result lasting up to eighteen months.

SILHOUETTE SOFT® is the only product on the medical cosmetic market enabling two joint actions:

  • A lift effect as soon as silhouette soft® is applied for an immediate and discreet result.
  • A regenerative effect, by stimulating the natural production of collagen in the months that follow, for progressive and natural results.

SILHOUETTE SOFT® can be used to treat different parts of the face:

FACIAL CONTOUR: cheeks and cheekbones: 2 or 3 threads on each side

  • The cheeks and cheekbones look fuller.
  • The facial contour is redefined
  • The nasolabial fold is diminished
  • The skin regains its firmness.

LOWER JAW : 2 or 3 threads on each side

  • The volume of the cheek is redefined.
  • The facial contour regains a defined shape.

NECK: 2 OR 3 threads on each side

  • The skin of the neck regains its tone and looks smoother

Neck and Lower Jaw (30 days after treatment)



Facial Contouring

